Saturday, 25 April 2015


So I have recently decided that I want my photography to get noticed and that I want to make a courier out of it. To do this, I am going to enter plenty of online photography competitions and post a lot of my photos on social media (my instagram is @rhubarb210 if you want to see some of my photos).

Some of the photos below have been photoshopped but most haven't.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015


Right at this very moment I am on the internet, writing a long over-due blog post (2 months, 2 weeks and 3 days to be precise) listening to the Arctic Monkeys when I should probably be writing my history essay. But, you know what? I am an expert at procrastinating, so I am going to continue being an internet obsessed 14 year old and keep writing this long awaited blog post and keep listening to the Arctic Monkeys. Because I can.

Lately, my media class has been doing photography and our assignment is a twenty photo portfolio. Here are 6 of the twenty. (None have been photo shopped yet.)
Leading lines - featuring Ursula

light and shadow - featuring Mackenzie

image and focal point - featuring Dracos' other half
(Drapple fans will understand)

small depth of field 1 - featuring the tree

small depth of field 2 - featuring a pretty plant

I hope you enjoyed this post, I will try my absolute best to post more often! Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/whatever-time-of-day-it-is-for-you and I will (hopefully) post again soon!!

*** I have just started using my instagram acount again so yeah. (username is: @rhubarb210)

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Happy New Year!!

First things first, I am oh so sorry that I didn't post last week, my Mum had to go to hospital and I had to stay the night with her. The hospital had no wi-fi and I got next to no sleep so the next day I just couldn't be bothered. Anyway, I made a playlist of my favorite songs of 2014, you can check that out bellow.

AND!!! I just posted my first DIY on my craft blog! yay!!!!!! so you can check that out here

Sorry this post was short but its better than nothing, right?

Talk next week! xx Ruby.

Thursday, 25 December 2014


On Sunday i will be posting a present haul but I just wanted to tell you guys one thing that I got for Christmas... a sewing machine. If you remember a few weeks back I said that if I got a sewing machine for Christmas I would make a second crafting blog. Well I have started it and it will be "properly published on Sunday!

Merry  Christmas again!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Photography and such

In the next school year I have to get a new laptop so the one I am using now has to get thrown out. I decided that I would get started on clearing out all the crap that I have stored on it and I found some pretty cool photos that I have taken over the past year and a half. Sorry about some of the horrible quality photos, they are mainly there because of the subject.

                                              Me and my friends at year seven graduation.

Also, about a year back, I did some art work that I am still very proud of, the photo’s are from DOLLY magazine but the smaller drawings are done by me.

I hope you enjoyed this out-of-the-blue blog post J Will also post on Christmas day!

Bye! Xx Ruby

Saturday, 20 December 2014


First things first, I am very very sorry that I haven’t posted for, over a month, but I P R O M I S E that I will post every Sunday (unless I get grounded) from here on in.
Today I thought that I would share with you a few pages from my scrapbook. I have had my scrapbook since the start of this year. I love scrap booking because it is so much more fun than updating a facebook status. So here are some pages of my scrapbook that i am okay with you guys seeing.

Scrapbook ~ $15 from typo 
All images taken by me

Also, there are 4 days until Christmas, I’ll give you a moment to let that sink in.

I hope this post has slightly made up for the past five times that I didn't post :/
Bye! xx Ruby

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Milk tea and 41 degree heat

Hello, here in Australia it is 41 degrees Celsius, (that's really hot, if you didn't know.) So today I went to the "happy bowl" with some friends for lunch, the happy bowl is a really nice Vietnamese place that does really amazing chicken noodle soups and spring rolls. I ordered some "DIY" satay beef rice paper rolls and a strawberry flavored bubble tea.

I am nearly up to date on the walking dead. The walking dead is really amazing at the moment (I am up to season 5 episode 1.)

Recently I discovered a new band called San Cisco, I know they aren't new but I have only just properly discovered. My favorite of theirs is "Fred Astair" if you haven't heard it, go on youtube, now, and listen to it.
Ruby xx