Sunday, 16 November 2014

Milk tea and 41 degree heat

Hello, here in Australia it is 41 degrees Celsius, (that's really hot, if you didn't know.) So today I went to the "happy bowl" with some friends for lunch, the happy bowl is a really nice Vietnamese place that does really amazing chicken noodle soups and spring rolls. I ordered some "DIY" satay beef rice paper rolls and a strawberry flavored bubble tea.

I am nearly up to date on the walking dead. The walking dead is really amazing at the moment (I am up to season 5 episode 1.)

Recently I discovered a new band called San Cisco, I know they aren't new but I have only just properly discovered. My favorite of theirs is "Fred Astair" if you haven't heard it, go on youtube, now, and listen to it.
Ruby xx

Thursday, 6 November 2014


Hey there, sorry I didn't post last week I just didn't get around to it. I am doing pretty good, it is storming where I live and it is pretty awesome. The thunder is so big, my two-story house is shaking. 

It is getting so close to the end of the year which is pretty exciting, the only downside is exams. I have so much to do! I am only in year eight so I am pretty scared for year twelve when I get 1,000,000 word essays to write, I am struggling with 300-400!

Anyway, hope you guys have a wonderful rest-of-the-week and I will talk to you all again on Sunday!