Thursday, 25 December 2014


On Sunday i will be posting a present haul but I just wanted to tell you guys one thing that I got for Christmas... a sewing machine. If you remember a few weeks back I said that if I got a sewing machine for Christmas I would make a second crafting blog. Well I have started it and it will be "properly published on Sunday!

Merry  Christmas again!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Photography and such

In the next school year I have to get a new laptop so the one I am using now has to get thrown out. I decided that I would get started on clearing out all the crap that I have stored on it and I found some pretty cool photos that I have taken over the past year and a half. Sorry about some of the horrible quality photos, they are mainly there because of the subject.

                                              Me and my friends at year seven graduation.

Also, about a year back, I did some art work that I am still very proud of, the photo’s are from DOLLY magazine but the smaller drawings are done by me.

I hope you enjoyed this out-of-the-blue blog post J Will also post on Christmas day!

Bye! Xx Ruby

Saturday, 20 December 2014


First things first, I am very very sorry that I haven’t posted for, over a month, but I P R O M I S E that I will post every Sunday (unless I get grounded) from here on in.
Today I thought that I would share with you a few pages from my scrapbook. I have had my scrapbook since the start of this year. I love scrap booking because it is so much more fun than updating a facebook status. So here are some pages of my scrapbook that i am okay with you guys seeing.

Scrapbook ~ $15 from typo 
All images taken by me

Also, there are 4 days until Christmas, I’ll give you a moment to let that sink in.

I hope this post has slightly made up for the past five times that I didn't post :/
Bye! xx Ruby