Right at this very moment I am on the internet, writing a long over-due blog post (2 months, 2 weeks and 3 days to be precise) listening to the Arctic Monkeys when I should probably be writing my history essay. But, you know what? I am an expert at procrastinating, so I am going to continue being an internet obsessed 14 year old and keep writing this long awaited blog post and keep listening to the Arctic Monkeys. Because I can.
Lately, my media class has been doing photography and our assignment is a twenty photo portfolio. Here are 6 of the twenty. (None have been photo shopped yet.)
Leading lines - featuring Ursula |
light and shadow - featuring Mackenzie |
image and focal point - featuring Dracos' other half
(Drapple fans will understand) |
small depth of field 1 - featuring the tree |
small depth of field 2 - featuring a pretty plant
I hope you enjoyed this post, I will try my absolute best to post more often! Have a wonderful day/night/afternoon/whatever-time-of-day-it-is-for-you and I will (hopefully) post again soon!!
*** I have just started using my instagram acount again so yeah. (username is: @rhubarb210)