Friday, 10 October 2014

Brisbane and what not

Here in Brisbane there are usually a bunch of really cool festivals going on in the city which mainly consist of super cute markets, giant pink bunnies, yummy food and lovely twinkling lights. I thought that for this beautiful Saturday morning I would share some of my pictures of these festivals.

I just made a new playlist so you can check that out bellow :)

Also, While I was finding the cover image for that playlist I found this,
Oh my gosh! 

I recently re-watched toy story 3 and loved it almost as much as when I was 8 and I saw something pretty damn cool. One of Bonnie's toys... was Totoro.


On the school holidays I bought my very first issue of Frankie magazine, I love how simple it is and that it isn't printed on gloss paper, I don't know what it is about plain, matte paper but I think it looks so much more elegant than gloss. Anyway, I think that the content is all round amazing and very informative as appose to Taylor Swift breaking up with her boyfriend.

This post has been extraordinarily long so I am going to stop now before I write a 683 page book.
Bye! Ruby xx

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